Hunter Biden Laptop Scandal

The New York Post triggered a flurry of BigTech censorship after dropping an exposé on Hunter Biden titled “Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad”. This article contained allegations which the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee confirmed they were investigating shortly after publication. The evidence supporting these allegations was recovered from one of Hunter’s laptops that he dropped off at a computer repair shop in Delaware and never retrieved.

Facebook and Twitter moved quickly to limit the distribution of the article. Twitter not only blocked the link itself from being posted at all, but also suspended any account that previously tweeted it out including the New York Post, which remained suspended for over two weeks because they refused to delete the tweet containing the link to their article.

The very next day, not only did Twitter suppressed a follow-up article published by the New York Post regarding Hunter Biden’s corruption in China, but YouTube coincidentally purged dozens of channels that they claimed were spreading “harmful conspiracy theories”, most of which were about to cover this Hunter Biden laptop scandal.

Sources / Relevant Material
  1. New York Post "Twitter, Facebook censor Post over Hunter Biden exposé" by Noah Manskar (14 Oct 2020)
  2. YouTube "Why Twitter Censored the NY Post Article on Biden" by AwakenWithJP (20 Oct 2020)
  4. BitChute "The Hunter Biden Email Bombshell has the Legacy Media and Big Tech in a Damage Control Meltdown" by Styxhexenhammer666 (15 Oct 2020)
  5. BitChute "Twitter CENSORS Government Website EXPOSING Joe Biden Corruption, The LIES About It, Total INSANIT.." by Tim Pool (15 Oct 2020)
  9. American Thinker "Does this explain why Facebook suppressed Hunter Biden revelations?" by Andrea Widburg (18 Oct 2020)
  10. Breitbart "Facebook ‘Content Regulation Manager’ Anna Makanju Advised Joe Biden on Ukraine" by Allum Bokhari (18 Oct 2020)
