On July 31st, satirical content creator Soph uploaded a controversial “anti-LGBTQ” video to YouTube titled “Pride and Prejudice.” The following day, YouTube deleted her channel citing the “third strike” rule (she had three strikes against her channel within 90 days).
She had built her channel up to nearly one million subscribers over the course of only a few years, thanks partially to BuzzFeed who tried relentlessly to get her deplatformed. Extremely important to note are the tweets she published in response, as both her Patreon and Bonfire accounts would very coincidentally be shutdown the following day…
[give @TeamYouTube a hard time about it if you can]
subscribe to my MUHFUGGIN BITCHUTE: bitchute.com/channel/soph/] donate to my PATREON: patreon.com/corbis and buy my POPPIN MERCH [6 more days!!!]: bonfire.com/store/soph/
– soph (@sewernugget) 1 Aug 2019
jokes aside, nothing of value was lost. there’ll be less people watching – their loss, the ones subscribed to the patreon will continue getting their money’s worth.
– soph (@sewernugget) 1 Aug 2019