Michael Mitnick Deletes His YouTube Channel on an Odysee Livestream!

YouTube Voluntarily Left AltTech Growth

Michael Mitnick, who runs a cryptocurrency and blockchain focused channel, deleted his YouTube channel on an Odysee livestream. The whole process took a few minutes from start to finish.

I have deleted my YouTube channel from a live stream from Odysee. This is a single message for the entire industry. Big Tech can’t tell you who you are. @LBRYcom @LBRYLatam @OdyseeTeam

– Michael Mitnick (@michmitnick) 16 Apr 2021

Sources / Relevant Material

  1. odysee.com/@michaelmitnick:2/retransmisi%C3%B3n-las-big-tech-no-pueden-decirte-qui%C3%A9n-eres-borro-mi-canal-de-youtube:e
  2. twitter.com/michmitnick/status/1383080498625445893