Facebook Deletes Thecrowhouse Page

Facebook Banned Max Igan

Facebook deleted the page for Max Igan’s TheCrowhouse, likely for speaking out against COVID-19 misinformation. In a video following the deletion, Max said:

But as many of you probably know, I have been deactivated on Facebook. Both my Facebook accounts have been deactivated.

And the purging of information of anybody who’s speaking out against this on Facebook and YouTube, the deletion of David Icke’s Facebook page and my Facebook page, and of David Icke’s YouTube channel and I suspect my YouTube channel is not far away from deleted as well, …

YouTube did in fact delete Max Igan’s channel TheCrowhouse just over two months later.

Sources / Relevant Material

  1. BitChute "Banned from Facebook While Corona Psychosis Continues" by TheCrowhouse (5 May 2020)
  2. Archive of the page via web.archive.org