Amazon removed a documentary titled “What Killed Michael Brown?” by Man of Steele Productions after placing it under “content review” for nearly two weeks, despite the producers taking extra care to ensure compliance with Amazon’s film specifications:
It is now official. Amazon rejected “What Killed Michael Brown?” from appearing on its platform. When you see the film in all of its human complexity, compassion, intellectual spirit, this decision will shock you. See below press release for full details.…
– WhatKilledMichaelBrown? (@whatkilledmb) 14 Oct 2020
About a week later, Amazon reversed the decision and released the film:
Great news! Amazon reached out to us today. We listened to one another. Amazon acknowledged the issue and promised to do better. So, we are proud to announce that “What Killed Michael Brown?” is now available on Amazon!
Thank you for your support.
– WhatKilledMichaelBrown? (@whatkilledmb) 21 Oct 2020